Recently, it was officially announced that Mollywood star Mohanlal’s directorial debut, Barroz, is set to have its theatrical release on October 3, 2024. However, the actor has also made headlines for less fortunate news.
An official medical report dated August 16, 2024, has been circulating online, revealing that the 64-year-old Mohanlal is experiencing high-grade fever, breathing difficulty, and generalized myalgia. He is suspected to have a viral respiratory infection. Dr. Gireesh Kumar, who examined the Drishyam star, has advised medication, five days of rest, and avoiding crowded places.
Fans have flooded social media with comments tagging Mohanlal, wishing him a speedy recovery. In the meantime, the actor’s blockbuster Manichithrathazhu, co-starring Shobana, has been re-released in cinemas. Stay tuned for more updates on Mohanlal’s health.
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