Young and talented hero Kiran Abbavaram stars in the upcoming movie Dilruba, with Rukshar Dhillon playing the heroine. The film is being jointly produced by Sivam Celluloids and the renowned music label Saregama, through their production company A Udly Film. The movie is produced by Ravi, Jojo Jose, Rakesh Reddy, and Saregama, with Viswa Karun directing. Dilruba is slated for a grand theatrical release in February. today The makers of Dilruba Released teaser. let’s look how teaser is..
The teaser of ‘Dil Ruba “begins with the siddharth (Kiran Abbavaram) narrating his love story. The hero falls in love with Maggie. like failing the exams in March He failed in love with maggie. with the advice of two friends, King and John.. He decides not to love anymore. But Anjali(Ruksar thillon) comes into the hero’s life. Unexpected clashes occur in siddharth ‘s life during the happy time of love with Anjali. The siddharth bravely faces these obstacles. The teaser interestingly concludes with an emotional dialogue about love. As siddharth Kiran Abbavaram’s fresh look and action sequences are the highlights in the teaser. Sam CS’s BGM is impressive.