New film Santhana Prapthirasthu promises to be a delightful family entertainer, starring Vikranth and Chandini Chowdary in the lead roles. Directed by Sanjeev Reddy, known for his work on ABCD and the popular web series Aha Naa Pellanta, the film is being produced by Madhura Sreedhar Reddy and Nirvi Hariprasad Reddy under the banners of Madhura Entertainment and Nirvi Arts.
With a screenplay penned by Sheik Dawood G, acclaimed for his work on Venkatadri Express and Express Raja, the movie masterfully combines humor and emotional depth while addressing contemporary challenges faced by couples. This unique blend of lighthearted moments and heartfelt storytelling is sure to resonate with audiences of all ages. Adding to the film’s appeal is its strong musical element, crafted by Sunil Kashyap, which enhances the narrative and provides a fresh cinematic experience. In celebration of the Sankranthi festival, a special poster has been released, showcasing lead actors Vikranth and Chandini Chowdary together for the first time. The poster creatively reflects the film’s theme, humorously incorporating a pregnancy kit as a central element, sparking curiosity about this unique family entertainer.