Superstar Mahesh Babu was last seen in the family drama Guntur Kaaram. Though the content didn’t meet expectations, Mahesh Babu’s energetic performance and swag helped the movie achieve decent collections. The star actor will be next seen in the direction of one of the country’s greatest filmmakers, Rajamouli.

Rajamouli will give a complete makeover to his protagonists, and the same is happening with Mahesh now. The Pokiri actor is undergoing a complete makeover for SSMB29, and his recent picture posted by Namrata Shirodkar on social media is going viral. Mahesh Babu looks stunning with long hair and a full-grown beard.

Since it is an African forest adventure, Mahesh is undergoing a complete transformation to get into the skin of the character. The rumors state that Prithviraj Sukumaran has been roped in as the antagonist. KL Narayana of Durga Arts is bankrolling the tent-pole film. The shooting is expected to begin at the end of 2024.