Released yesterday amid high expectations and a positive buzz, Nani and Priyanka Mohan’s pan-India action drama, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, received a decent response from fans and critics alike. Also starring Kollywood star SJ Suryah in a key role, the Vivek Athreya directorial collected over Rs 10.50 crore gross globally on its opening day.

And here’s the big news. Saripodhaa Sanivaaram has just entered the coveted $1 million club in North America. In a stupendous feat, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is the tenth movie in Nani’s career to achieve this solid feat. Nani is now two movies away from Superstar Mahesh Babu’s 12 $1M movies record in the list of highest $1M movies among Tollywood stars.

With Monday being a holiday across the United States, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is sure to have a solid outing at the box office worldwide, especially in the USA. The film has performed quite well on its second day, and the solid trend is expected to continue till next week. The DVV Danayya production has a racy and riveting score composed by Jakes Bejoy.