Nani’s latest action drama, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, produced by DVV Danayya, is now out in theatres. The makers scheduled early morning shows all over AP and Telangana to cash in on the hype around the film. The industry is in dire need of a huge blockbuster, and movie buffs hope that this Vivek Athreya’s directorial will provide the much-needed relief for Tollywood.

USA and Canada have always been Nani’s forte, and Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’s openings here prove it once again. As per the latest update from the overseas distributor, the movie collected a solid $450K from premiere shows in North America. This isn’t the final number, and many shows are still left for the day.

If the reports are positive, the occupancies for the night shows will go up, and it will be a piece of cake for Saripodhaa Sanivaaram to set an all-time record (previous highest Dasara – $637K) among medium-range heroes. SJ Suryah played the antagonist. Priyanka Mohan is the leading lady.