In a shocking development, popular Bollywood producer and Padma Shri awardee Ekta Kapoor and her mother Shobha Kapoor have been booked under the POCSO Act by the Mumbai Police. Ekta and her mother have landed in legal trouble for producing objectionable and obscene scenes in season 6 of the adult webseries Gandii Baat, which streamed on Ekta’s Alt Balaji OTT platform.

As per reports, Ekta and Shobha Kapoor produced the Gandii Baat adult show featuring minor actresses performing obscene acts. The show was streamed on Alt Balaji between February 2021 and April 2021. Upon receiving a formal complaint, the police at MHB police station in Mumbai booked Ekta and Shobha Kapoor under sections 295-A of the IPC, IT Act, and sections 13 and 15 of the POCSO Act.

Incidentally, the controversial episode of Gandii Baat is currently not streaming on the Alt Balaji app. Ironically, Ekta stressed the importance of providing a safer working environment for women actors and technicians in the film industry while reacting to the sensational Hema Committee report a few weeks ago.