Amid high expectations and a positive buzz, Nani and Priyanka Mohan’s pan-India action drama, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, released on Thursday to decent reviews. Also starring acclaimed Kollywood actor-filmmaker SJ Suryah in a crucial role, the film has had a solid outing at the box offices across the globe in its four-day extended weekend.

According to the film’s PR team, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram amassed a cool Rs 68.53 crore gross globally in its opening weekend. These are pretty good numbers considering how the incessant rains and flood conditions have affected the walk-ins across the twin Telugu states. The film has already entered the $1.5 million club and also reached the breakeven mark in North America.

With no major Telugu film hitting theaters this weekend, and given the underwhelming buzz for Vijay’s GOAT, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram will surely register solid collections during the week in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The Vivek Athreya directorial is produced by DVV Danayya under his DVV Entertainment banner. Jakes Bejoy’s soundtrack was one of the major highlights in the movie.