Nara Rohith is making a comeback with Sundarakanda, a lively comedy drama directed by newcomer Venkatesh Nimmalapudi. The film features Sridevi Vijaykumar and Virti Vaghani in the female lead roles.

The movie’s teaser, released today, has garnered a positive response.In a Q&A with Telugu media, Sridevi Vijaykumar, who was Prabhas’ first heroine, spoke about her experience with him. She noted that despite his immense fame, Prabhas has remained unchanged in character, retaining his genuine self. The Eeshwar actress expressed her delight at his continued success and untouchable stardom.

Sridevi also conveyed her enthusiasm for potentially working with Prabhas again, provided the right opportunity arises. Additionally, she confirmed her interest in watching the re-release of Eeshwar. Stay tuned for more updates on Sundarakanda.

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