Natural Star Nani is gearing up to entertain the audience with his upcoming action thriller Saripodhaa Sanivaaram. The film, directed by Vivek Athreya, is slated for a massive release on 29th August. Nani has already started promoting the movie by giving interviews to multiple media outlets. There is a rumor circulating in film circles that Nani’s film with OG director Sujeeth has been kept on hold due to a few reasons.

This has slightly disappointed Nani fans, but now the actor has dismissed those baseless speculations. Nani has set the record straight by confirming that his project with Sujeeth is very much on. However, the film will go on floors once Nani completes his project with Srikanth Odela. DVV Danayya, who produced Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, will also bankroll Nani-Sujeeth film.

Nani also stated that Sujeeth would present him in a powerful, ferocious, and a massy avatar. He further added that Sujeeth’s film would fulfill his fans’ wish to see him as a mass hero. Besides films with Srikanth Odela and Sujeeth, Nani also has HIT 3 in his pipeline.

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